shale baby blanket

The Shale Baby Blanket is freshly washed, blocked, and off to her recipient! As is tradition with any Brooklyn Tweed pattern, this stunning pattern was a delight to knit. While it looks intricate, it's actually quite simple to master. It's a four row repeat--three of which are simple knits and purls. If you can handle knitting multiple stitches together, yarn-overs, and passing stitches over, you're golden. If not, this is a great pattern to expand your knitting skills. The pattern used about 5 skeins of yarn, and I ended up knitting 52 repeats of the lace instead of the 58 called for in the pattern. 

Since this blanket is for a tiny baby, I initially selected Knit Pick's Brava Worsted for its practicality. I wanted something that could be easily tossed into the washer and dryer, and quickly added back into rotation. I will say that, as I neared the end of the project, I began to question my yarn decision. I've knitted other children's projects with Brava before without issue, but this lot had quite a few ties-offs, knots, and frays in the middle of the skeins. And while soft, it had a strange hand to it. By the time I got to the end, the blanket had already started to look a little worn, which makes a little concerned for how this will wear over time. I'm not sure if they changed their production methods, but it was not the same knitting experience.

Which leads me to this:

I do adore this little blanket, and I'm sure it will be well-loved by one sweet baby girl. And while I love creating something that's made with the end user/practicality in mind, the time and effort put into the making is wasted if the quality of the end product is even slightly lacking. This is why I plan to buy only natural fibers from this point on. I'll use up what's in my stash, of course, but will only purchase the fibers I love the most from now on. The care and upkeep of a project knit in wool requires only slightly more thought and effort--but I'll be content knowing that, if carefully preserved, my recipients are receiving an heirloom piece that can be passed down from generation to generation. 

pattern: shale baby blanket by brooklyn tweed | yarn: knit picks brava worsted in seraphim | ravelry project page




progress + planning

Camden, Maine

January is always the longest month of the year for me, but in the best kind of way. Work abruptly quiets down, and the weekends--once packed with holiday events and family get-togethers--finally return back to normal. Over the past month, I've spent some serious time by the fireplace with my needles and a big-ol' pile of fiber. I'm about halfway through this Shale Baby Blanket, and because it's such a slow, meditative patten, I've had a lot of time to think about the future and where I want to focus my creative energy. For so long, it's been my dream to join the knitting world professionally, and I've officially decided to start planning ways to achieve that goal over the next few years. There are so many ideas running through my head, but I want to be slow and deliberate about how to move forward into this new space. There are still lots of questions to work through first: Do I want to build my own brand? (Tempting) Do I want to join the marketing team of an established fiber company? (Absolutely) Should I do both? (Could be fun...)

Either way, I think we'll eventually end up moving to Maine, the unofficial capitol of the knitting world. Last year, the hubby and I spent Christmas in Kennebunkport, and even in the dead of winter, we immediately knew it was the place for us. This year, we're planning two trips Downeast. The first will take place in the late spring--we'll fly into Bangor, then explore the entire coastline from Camden all the way up into Lubec. We can't wait to scope out some of the smaller, seaside neighborhoods and visit some of the homes I obsessively save on Zillow each weekend. We'll whale-watch, hike through Acadia, eat our weight in lobster rolls, and do the touristy, schooner-thing. Then, for Christmas, we'll rent a cabin in the mountains, to ski, watch holiday movies, and drink hot toddies by the fire. 

It's fun to plan and dream, and have nice things to look forward to...

p.s. If you have any recommendations on where to stay or what to see in Maine, we'd love to hear them! 



spring shale

There's something special about casting on a new Brooklyn Tweed pattern, wouldn't you agree? They're well-constructed, thoughtfully written, and beautifully presented. For me, these details quietly elevate the already enjoyable experience of knitting. When my co-worker asked if I would knit her expecting niece a baby blanket, I immediately knew that I wanted to cast on Jared's Shale Baby Blanket, with its sweet, feather-and-fan lace and eyelet cables. 

I was told that the baby's nursery was lavender, cream, and gray, so I picked this pale, dusty shade of soft purple to pair with the pattern. The yarn is Knit Pick's Brava Worsted in Seraphim. Now, I'm a firm believer that all babies should be exposed to wool early on, but when I think back to when I was a brand-new momma, I certainly didn't have time to delicately hand wash and block wool baby blankets. The reality of those early (reflux-heavy) baby days, was that I needed something that could be easily thrown into the washer and dryer, so that I could get it back into rotation as quickly as possible. 

I started the project on bamboo needles, but the blunt tips and grip of the bamboo made it difficult to knit some of the large decreases. I switched to lace-tip stainless steel needles, which has made all the difference--especially when you have to ssssk and k4tog! 

This pattern is quickly memorized--after the first four row repeat, I was good to go. So even though it looks complicated, it's quite a simple and relaxing knit. The vintage pattern, combined with the old-fashioned lavender yarn (which, in case you haven't heard, is apparently getting ready to dethrone millennial pink), makes this piece feel like an instant modern heirloom.