hello, friday!

tarot and coffee
tarot, knitting and coffee
Knit picks cotton yarn and tarot cards

I decided to ease into this morning with a little knitting, coffee, and a quick tarot reading. I pulled The Star, which (according to the book) means I need to focus my conscious intention so that my creative dreams can be realized...this is particularly interesting considering the week I've had! 

What's everyone up to this weekend? When I get home from work today, I'm going to stalk the mailbox for the Swan’s Island Organic Washable Wool that I ordered for a new, super-secret project! I'll also spend some time finishing up the final paper for my Berkeley class. Thankfully, this is the last class for the year! We're heading into our busy season at work, so I like to take the Fall semester off to focus on the business; I'll resume school in January once things are calmer. The good news is that I get a few extra hours back during the week to focus on my knitting...

Here are some fun things from around the web to help you kick off your weekend:

Have a great weekend!