creativity in progress

current projects
Work in progress
Creative space

The past few months have been full of behind-the-scenes creativity, and I'm finally starting to make a bit of progress towards my long-term goals. Each morning, I awake at 5:15am, make myself a cup of coffee, then sit at my dining room table to work on something knitting-related before heading into the office. Whether it's pattern writing, swatch knitting, perfecting a call-for-submission, notion designing, or knitting a few rows on a personal project, I've grown to love this quiet and productive creative time. 

There are three main projects I'm focusing on right now, each with it's own special significance. I'm excited to eventually share them with you!  

Since tomorrow’s a holiday, I plan to spend my day pattern writing and knitting the front gansey on my Willow sweater. I hope you all have a wonderful Fourth of July!

Laine issue 4: Linna

Laine Issue 4
Twig & Horn Packages
Laine Issue 4 Linna
Laine Issue 4 Linna

I believe good branding is such a gift--I'm a sucker for good design, lovely packaging, and thoughtful brand touches. It's hard to believe that I just recently bought my first ever copy of Laine Magazine. I'd been following Laine religiously on Instagram, but for some inexplicable reason, had yet to order the publication. Once I saw the teasers for the  Magnolia, Eri, and Morginn sweaters, the Linna issue quickly made its way into my Twig & Horn shopping cart! When the package arrived in the mail on Saturday, I purposely left it sealed so that I could savor my first viewing. 

On Sunday morning, after brewing my morning coffee, I lit the mahogany-scented candle on the dining room table (which was also covered in wool, of course), and released the magazine from its brown paper wrapper. Then, page by page, I slowly worked my way through the Winter/Spring 2018 issue of this gorgeous Nordic knitting pub. 

Knitters--it was an inspiring experience. The weight and color of the paper stock, the photography, the typeface, the layout, the articles and interviews--even the advertisements--were a treat for the eyes. I vow to own every Laine magazine from this point forward.

Also in that package was Twig & Horn's K2TOG Club Enamel Wool Pin. It makes the perfect addition to my work-bag flair, doesn't it? 

What about you, friends? Which knitting publications and products are you loving these days?